
Student Leadership

Class Councillors

1 Year 8 Boy & 1 Year 8 Girl from each class (and 1 Year 7 Boy & 1 Year 7 Girl from our Year 7 classes) are selected to represent on the student council. They meet on a regular basis to have leadership training (e.g Peer Mediation), they run and present at school assemblies, they are involved in many school events like Relay for Life, School Dances, fundraising for community bring a representative voice from their classes to school council meetings, they are role models who take parents and students on school tours, and many other roles throughout the school year.

Co-Chair Boy and Girl

These will be selected from the student leaders. They help lead meetings, and work closely with the Principal and Deputy Principal on student leadership, school assemblies, and also, regularly report to the BOT as representatives of student voice at PNINS.

Cultural Councillors

Can be Year 7s or Year 8s who have the responsibility to represent their culture at regular meetings to ensure there is a cultural voice for PNINS.

Sports Leaders

1 Year 8 Boy and 1 Year 8 Girl from each team to work with the Sports Coordinator on sports events and activities.

Science Lab Assistants

A team of assistants are selected to support with activities and organisation of Science Lab responsibilities.

School Librarians

A team of librarians are selected and trained to support in the library on a weekly basis - before school and during lunchtimes.